Eyelash & Brow Growth Serum – Effective for Thicker, Longer Lashes & Brows | Strengthening & Nourishing Formula for Fuller eyelash 0.34 oz

Provide rich nourishment for weak and short eyelashes and focus on intensive care for 4 weeks.

Vendor: ViveLab
Availability: In Stock
Product Type: Eyelash serum
Product information

-Provides nutrition to eyelashes, eyebrows and hairline
-Contains 10 patented ingredients certified by the Korean Intellectual Property Office
-Completed a clinical trial on eyelashes.
-After cleansing every morning and evening, apply evenly to the concerned areas (eyelashes, eyebrows, hairline) at the last step of your skincare routine.
* Consistent use for 2 to 4 weeks is recommended.


Water, Glycerin, ButyleneGlycol, 1,2-Hexanediol, Tromethamine, Carbomer, Propanediol, Disodium EDTA, PEG-40 HydrogenatedCastor Oil, MalusDomesticaFruitCellCultureExtract, PPG-26-Buteth-26, RehmanniaGlutinosaRootExtract, Panthenol, CaprylylGlycol, LyciumChinenseFruitExtract, FragariaChiloensis (Strawberry) FruitExtract, BerberisVulgarisRootExtract, MorusNigraFruitExtract, CornusOfficinalisFruitExtract, AlismaOrientaleTuberExtract, Ethylhexylglycerin, PaeoniaSuffruticosaRootExtract, DioscoreaJaponicaRootExtract, SmilaxGlabraRootExtract, Myristoyl Pentapeptide-4, Alanine/Histidine/LysinePolypeptide Copper HCL, Hydroxyacetophenone, CamelliaJaponicaFlowerExtract, AndrographisPaniculataExtract, Copper Tripeptide-1, MagnoliaOfficinalisBarkExtract, Biotin, PentyleneGlycol, LespedezaCapitataLeaf/StemExtract, GlycyrrhizaGlabra (Licorice) RootExtract, Madecassoside, HydroxypropylCyclodextrin, CentellaAsiaticaExtract, DecylGlucoside, DiospyrosKakiFruitExtract, CamelliaJaponicaLeafExtract, CeratoniaSiliqua (Carob) FruitExtract, CamelliaSinensisLeafExtract, ScutellariaBaicalensisRootExtract, SwertiaJaponicaExtract, PolygonumMultiflorumRootExtract, EcliptaProstrataExtract, PolygonumCuspidatumRootExtract, AngelicaGigasRootExtract, CurcumaLonga (Turmeric) RootExtract, ThujaOrientalisLeafExtract, ZingiberOfficinale (Ginger) RootExtract, ForsythiaSuspensaFruitExtract, SchisandraChinensisFruitExtract, GinkgoBilobaLeafExtract, PanaxGinsengRootExtract, CarthamusTinctorius (Safflower) FlowerExtract, GlycyrrhizaUralensis (Licorice) RootExtract, GlycineSoja (Soybean) SeedExtract, ChrysanthemumZawadskiiExtract , FicusCarica (Fig) FruitExtract, ArtemisiaPrincepsLeafExtract, HouttuyniaCordataExtract, GanodermaLucidum (Mushroom) Extract, SophoraFlavescensRootExtract, AcorusGramineusExtract, ChamomillaRecutita (Matricaria) FlowerExtract, RosmarinusOfficinalis (Rosemary) LeafExtract, AspergillusFerment

Features & details

-pH 7.0 Similar to Healthy Tears with minimized eye irritation
-A moist and refreshing watery serum formulation
-The lightweight formula is quickly absorbed without leaving behind any uncomfortable residue.

    Best Reviews

    After months of relying on eyelash extensions, I noticed a significant thinning of my natural lashes. Tired of waisting so much money and time for something that compromised my own lashes, I decided to explore alternatives. I began using this serum and was pleasantly surprised by the results. Not only did my lashes grow noticeably longer, but they also became significantly thicker. This is my third purchase, and I plan to continue using it. I've also experienced positive results with my eyebrows, which were previously sparse. Now, they're noticeably fuller.
    Quiero aportar esta reseña para las chicas que constantemente usaron pestañas postizas al punto de quedarse sin prácticamente pelos naturales. En mi primera imagen, te muestro una foto de Mayo y en mis dos últimas, imágenes actuales (noviembre). Comencé a usar pestañas postizas por la tendencia de llevarlas, hasta que dejaron mis ojos sin pelos, entonces probé algunos serum, que me ayudaron pero ninguno de ellos me aportaron lo que hizo este. Llevo más de 2 meses usándolo por recomendación de una amiga, voy por mi segunda botella, y es bueno ver como se recuperan mis pestañas naturales, brotan fuertes y no se me caen.
    Top picture is from 9/10/24 and the bottom is from today 12/14/24!I’ve always had super short and brittle lashes that would never hold a curl, so I decided to try this stuff and used it once a night before bed. I’d say this is about 3 months of growth cause I did forget a LOT to put this stuff on LOLBut omg I was so shocked when I took this pic CAUSE IT ACTUALLY WORKS!? At first I didn’t think my lashes were growing so much in length or thickness, but I continued cause it was helping my lashes feel super soft and strong so I kept using it.

    Over 3 million sold in world! Vivelab, the No. 1 eyelash serum. Try it now and see the results!

    Safe ingredients for the best results.

    We developed a unique and effective eyelash serum through continuous research.

    Proven results with 10 patented ingredients.

    Contains patented ingredients that directly nourish your eyelashes.

    *  A patent for the invention has been registered at the Korean Intellectual Property Office.

    The top-selling eyelash serum in Korea

    10 Patent Ingredients for Hair + 3 Kinds of Peptides :

    Essential nutrients for hair enhancing weak and short eyelashes

    Biotin :

    Provides luminous sheen to eyelashes and hair

    Panthenol :

    Helps condition, moisturize, and improve hair damage

    All clinical trial participants confirmed eyelash improvement

    Try it for 30 days
    and if it doesn’t work
    get a 100% refund

    Vivelab Eyelash Serum is a product proven effective through various clinical trials conducted in Korea.

    It nourishes your eyelashes, enhancing their thickness and length to create a more defined eye look.

    It provides easy and effective nourishment for your eyebrows, creating a sharper and more defined impression.

    It delivers nutrients deep into the hairline, supporting effective hairline care.

    Use Guide

    Short and Easy-Falling Lashes (Top/Bottom)

    Use the built-in brush and rounded tip and apply an appropriate amount of product gently to eyelashes

    Eyebrows | Hairline in Need of Nutritional Care

    Brush along the eyebrows and use the rounded tip to fill in any sparse areas

    Enhance your beauty with longer, fuller lashes.

    Germany Dermatest EXCELLENT Rating

    It has obtained an Excellent rating in skin irratation tests conducted by Dermatest, a renowned global dematological research institute based in Germany